ENG I know this outfit has nothing to do with a DeLorean or Back to the Future, but "Delirious DeLorean&...

I know this outfit has nothing to do with a DeLorean or Back to the Future, but "Delirious DeLorean" was rambling in my head last night, so I decided to name this post like this. No particular reason, I guess just serendipity.
Sé que este outift no tiene nada que ver con algún DeLorean o con Back to the Future, pero por alguna razón, "Delirious DeLorean" estaba rondándome la cabeza anoche, entonces decidí llamar así a esta entrada. Sin razón en particular, mera serendipia.
Jacket - Levi's
Shirt -  INC International Concepts
Shorts - Canal Club
Combat boots - Labelless, I bought them at a rock store a couple of months ago
Accesories- 1$ store

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